Monday, July 22, 2013

Back to Tok

Hard to believe but we are on the way back.  We had a bit of a scare as we dropped the RV down off the leveling jacks.  One of the tires was low on air.  Luckily another traveler had a air compressor we could borrow and we got it pumped back up.  Took it to a tire repair shop and they replaced a valve stem.  Whew, it could have been a lot worse.  Then we drove back to Tok from Fairbanks.  We stopped one last time to see the pipeline bridge over the Tanana River.  Along the way of course we spotted another moose alongside the road.  Even though we have seen many, you just have to stop and snap a couple of shots.  Supper at Fast Eddy’s and then back to the RV to rest.  We have a big day of driving tomorrow.

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