Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Homeward bound

The blog is going to get more compressed as we head on home.  The last three nights we had very spotty internet and thus no blog.  We are travelling more and stopping less.  I think we are all anxious to get back to familiar surroundings.  After staying the night in Teslin, we went on to Watson Lake to see the Sign Forest and the Northern Lights Museum.

On our way to Muncho Lake we encountered three black bears, a grizzly, and two herds of bison (more than 150) and spent the night there (no internet). Leaving Muncho Lake we saw two fox, one Dall Sheep, five Caribou, and thirteen stone sheep.

We stopped for a short stay at Ft. Nelson to take in the Museum there and spent the night in Ft. St. John (again no internet).  We then travelled to Dawson Creek (Mile 0 of the Alaska Highway) and found a RV park in Whitecourt but it was late so again no blog.  Today we made it to Edmonton and I finally have internet and am catching up for the days missed.

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