Friday, June 21, 2013

Rain, Rain, go away

Ran into our first day of rain and cold Wednesday.  We departed Vancouver and headed north.  Our destination, 100 Mile House.  Way back then they named towns and roads based on the milage from Lillooet, the start of the Cariboo wagon road.  The rain fell all day.  Not enough to stop us from traveling, but it did slow us down.  The temperature never got out of the 50's.  When we arrived it was raining hard enough that we didn't even bother to level the coach and put out the slides.  Tammy made us a pot of chili that warmed us from the inside.  We had a movie night in the coach and crawled under the covers early.

Thursday was a better brighter day.  We traveled to Prince George.  A moderately large city at the convergence of the Fraser and Nechako rivers.  The Central British Columbia railway used the location for a major intersection of multiple lines.  As a major transportation hub, the city has preserved the heritage in a "Railway & Forestry Museum".  We had enough extra time to explore and visited the museum.  See some pictures below.

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